Fleet management –scalable for every location

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Unsere Lösung wird Ihre Produktivität steigern

Our mobile and web applications allow for complete control of your car turnaround process on the GO.

Customize the setup to match your company's turnaround process and gain full control of time and resources.

100% integrated with CarEye® scanner.

Buchen Sie eine Demo an einem unserer Standorte
Our mobile application GO gives you full control over your fleet

Sofort einsatzbereite Logistiklösung







Erkennung von Schäden

Zwei Jahrzehnte

Wenn ASA has teamed up with Assured Europe since 2021. The Assured Group has a proud history of top-of-the-line service delivery and guaranteed customer satisfaction.

They are the single largest vehicle and facility management company within our industry, offering niched and highly specialised services to meet the full spectrum of our clients’ demands.

Assured Europe are also the only pan-European fleet services enterprise, spanning borders from Austria, France, Germany, Portugal, Spain and across the channel, operating in the UK as well as the Republic of Ireland.

Buchen Sie eine Demo an einem unserer Standorte
An overview of the earth

Bringen Sie die Kontrolle auf das nächste Level

Our GO fleet management system gives you completely control. Live in the biggest airports in Europe

The GO-app

  • Vollständig modulares System
  • Committer process for users
  • Status-, Prozess- und Servicetracking
  • KI-basierte Schadenserkennung
  • Vollständige Schadenshistorie und Oberfläche
  • Digitale Rechnungsstellung und Vertragsmanagement
  • Status-, Prozess- und Servicetracking
  • Vollständig digitale Personalplanungs- und Zeiterfassungssoftware
  • Integration in unsere Buchhaltungssysteme
  • KI-gestützte Kapazitätsplanung
The GO app give you 100% control over your car fleet
The GO app give you 100% control over your car fleet
The GO app give you 100% control over your car fleet
The GO app give you 100% control over your car fleet
The GO app give you 100% control over your car fleet
The GO app give you 100% control over your car fleet

#1 Lieferant in Europa
(Assured Europe locations)

The GO app give you 100% control over your car fleet
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